Sage Clary Oil 10ml – Organic

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Action similar to oestrogen, regulating effect regarding menstrual problems

Tonic for blood circulation, diuretic


Fights cellular ageing

Antispasmodic, prevents epileptic fits

Regulates sebum and perspiration secretion

Scalp tonic: helps hair growth and effective for oily hair and dandruff

Potent muscle relaxant

Restores tonicity of nervous system


SKU: PS0122 Category: Tags: ,


Processing method: Steam distillation from the aerial parts of Salvia sclarea L

Family: Lamiacées

Odor: Herbaceous, tobacco, note of hay

Origin: France

For informational purpose only. Because pure essential oils are so
powerful, it is extremely important to follow dilution rates, instructions,
and safety precautions. Never swallow undiluted essential oils without the
recommendation of a certified aromatherapist or a healthcare practitioner